November 3, 2021
Dutch Transformation Forum 2021: ‘On the Road to NetZero in 2050’
The current economic and social climate, as well as fundamental changes occurring in rapid succession, are causing companies, governments, knowledge institutes, and NGOs to emphasize cooperation in creating a new foundation for the future. The mission of the Dutch Transformation Forum is to contribute to a strong, sustainable, forward-looking economy and society by building bridges between different stakeholders at board level. During the Dutch Transformation Forum, Dutch participants from the public and private sectors try to discern the best way for the Netherlands to position itself in a world undergoing far-reaching transformation, and to define what kind of leadership would be most effective in this context.
Theme and topics
Now that we have moved out of the immediate impact of the coronavirus crisis, there is an increased focus on structural changes to make our economy and society stronger, more sustainable, and more inclusive, both short- and long-term. Within this theme, the focus was on the EU’s goal to be climate-neutral by 2050.
Read the paper we wrote on this topic here: Beyond the tipping point: New value in a new sustainable future
Keynote speakers and contributors
Moderators: Suzanne Kröner-Rosmalen, Senior Associate Stibbe Amsterdam & Farid Tabarki, Public speaker/moderator, Owner Studio Zeitgeist
Keynote Speakers and contributors:
Joke Brandt (Permanent Representative of the Kingdom of the Netherlands at Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands)
Jeroen Dijsselbloem (Voorzitter commissie Nationaal Groeifonds, voorzitter Onderzoeksraad voor Veiligheid)
Annemarieke de Haan (Executive Vice President Unilever Benelux)
Stephanie Hottenhuis (CEO and Chair of the Executive Board KPMG NL)
Pieter van Oord (CEO Van Oord)
Diederik Samsom (Head of cabinet of EVP Frans Timmermans, EU vice-voorzitter)
Robert-Jan Smits (President TU/e)
As Tempelman (CEO Eneco)
Huibert Vigeveno (Downstream Director & lid Raad van Bestuur Royal Dutch Shell)
Focco Vijselaar (DG Bedrijfsleven & Innovatie, Ministerie van Economische Zaken & Klimaat )
Location: Royal Dutch Shell
Key insights
- The group of participants was unanimous: we are past the stage of talking; it is time to act.
- High ambition asks for radical acceleration.
- A climate-neutral society and economic growth go hand-in-hand.
- The road to NetZero asks for big investments in education and training. Specifically, we need a course on energy transition.
Read the extensive report here (in Dutch): Verslag Dutch Transformation Forum 2021
Aftermovie Dutch Transformation Forum 2021
For all our events, attendance is by invitation only. If you’d like to get in touch or are interested in more information, please contact Lenne Michiels: lenne.michiels@transformationforums.com.